Why Shortening Your URLs ?

Whether you are on web marketing or just using link-sharing for personal purposes, shortening your URLs is way too advantageous.

When it comes to social media (whether it is for business strategies or for personal communications), shorter links are more easily spread; internet users usually read what's on the link before clicking on it because of the spamming and viral behaviors invading social networking today. So when your link is short, the message would be clear and the reader will know exactly where that URL will take him/her, which is also crucial for time saving.

Shorter URLs are more Easily Memorized

When it comes to texting or print media, shorter links also are more easily memorized in case the receiver will have to type it on a web browser. When your receiver doesn't own a smart phone, there is no way he/she couldn't be able to just tap the link and be redirected to the target website, memorizing it and typing it on a browser would be inevitable.

The same thing goes for print media when your URL is printed on a photo, a newspaper, a paper magazine or a brochure, your customer would have to type it on a browser in order to discover the website you are suggesting in your print piece of media. Long URLs will make it difficult, sometimes impossible for newbies, added to the time spent on all that.

Shorter URLs bring you more Traffic

People usually click on short links more often because they seem more trustworthy, the URL looks more professional with domain name clearly displayed since they don't spend much time reading all the characters.

When your shortened URL is customized, your customers will not suspect that you are spamming and will develop more comfort towards clicking on it (more often than with non custom shortened URLs).

What is more advantageous with URL shortening is that beyond shortening a link, some tools allow you to customize your URLs and title tags to preserve their reliability. The best ones provide a 301 redirect, which will preserve a safe redirection that will not make the link break or get duplicated when shortened.

When URL shortening is done through a 301 redirect, it will be moved permanently to a new address, so if there are some link credits (link juice) or any spam penalization they will also be passed to your domain name.