URL Shortening Benefits - A Simpler way to Communicate Links

URL shortening service is a significant marketing tool as well as a great user-friendly link.

There is a big difference between posting a link that is 45 character-long and a 10 character-long one and many reasons encourage companies and individuals to use URL shortening services for different purposes:

For Marketing Purpose

When it comes to marketing strategies, using a shorter URL provides more comfort for customers since it is easier to explore, to memorize and to spread.

  • Customers on a rush or using mobile devices would find difficulties with long URLs because sometimes they take all the screen display space and content reading would be uncomfortable.
  • Long URLs (especially with symbols and special characters) are sometimes seen as a virus by an internet newbie and clicking on them could often be felt insecure.
  • Some URLs would seem unattractive, repulsive and a waste of time and space for some people.
  • Long URLs are not suitable for e-mails; the link could be broken or cut, therefore no more clickable and won't lead to anything.
  • When it comes to SMS texting, long URLs don't match at all. You have a restricted number of characters and if the receiver doesn't own a Smartphone, SMS would be cut into many. Adding to that, if the receiver doesn't own a smart phone, he/she would have to retype the URL on a web browser, which is not really comfortable when it's a 40 character-long link.
  • Long URLs are not suitable for social networking marketing like on Twitter since the posting space doesn't allow users to exceed 140 characters. Therefore, a company that is intending to post a link on its Twitter brand name account without any introducing content might lose much of its reliability within its followers.
  • Long URLs are not suitable for printed media; if it is a photo or a magazine, it would be aesthetically not brilliant to put a long URL on an advertising print media, and then it will be complicated for customers to type the link on a browser to read more about the ad or to visit a product's website.

A User-Friendly Tool

For individual usage, URL shortening allows users to share links with their followers on social networks and friends more easily:

  • Internet unsavvy users would find it difficult to recognize what that long link is leading to. According to them, there are too many characters to detect the content topic between all of them.
  • Long URLs would look ugly when shared or sent to friends, especially when the characters are only symbols that have nothing encouraging to click on.
  • Users usually think that longer URLs are the farthest from the main domain homepage, which gives a feeling that it might not really contain the needed information they look for, shorter URLs generally look more relevant.

More than Shortening Links:
URL shortening services save you all the above complexities and make your link sharing and promoting much easier. Whether for individual or professional usage, shortening your URLs is a very useful option.

Furthermore, when shortening your links, you usually take advantage of multiple other features:

  • URL Customization: with a custom URL you give more trustworthiness to your links; your brand name will figure on the URL or on its title and your link will look more professional.

    Customization will also prevent any spamming activity. Long URLs are usually subject to spam since their characters and symbols could be easily distorted. Custom URLs are safer.
  • Title Tag Customization: apart from the URL, you have the chance to customize the title tag of your link, giving it a clearer and a more reliable aspect. Readers or receivers will know what exactly they are about to click on.
  • Social Networking sharing Options: You can share your shortened URL directly to your Twitter or Facebook account by a simple click.
  • Chort.Link uses a 301 Redirect: this option keeps your URL safe and is very useful for SEO.

URL shortening is simple, fast and user-friendly. You can shorten your URLs, making them look more attractive, more easily memorized and shared, without losing any of their features.